Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spicey Red Cabbage Slaw!

Ok, it doesn't NEED to be spicey... but.. mine was.. I like spicey.. I like warmth in my food, especially when it's already a cold salad...  This is a great salad if you like to eat middle eastern, or Eastern Mediteranean foods.. I first stumbled across it when at my FAVORITE Vegetarean hotspot in Woodstock IL, EXPRESSLY LESLIE's... now mind you... THIS is NOT her recipe... she's NOT about to give me any of her trade secrets... her's is much much better.. but ... I simply can not always GET out there, and I can't afford to always Buy my salads.. so I shall try and try and try.. and so far... THIS is my closest attempt :)

1/2 head finely chopped red cabbage (I cut out the white core)
1- 1 1/2 small red onion finely chopped
mayo ( tricky... I don't have a perfet meaurement for you.. guessing about 1/4-1/2 cup...)
Lemon juice (again, adding JUST a smidgen at a time... so perhaps do as I did.. < 2 T to flavor)
Olive Oil
Tahini 2 t
Sea Salt
Hot Hungarian Paprika
HERE are my Exact ingredients for you :)  I think pictures are so much fun don't you?  They can really GRAB our attention, and help us in a store when we are shopping :)

now perhaps I did not need to use so much of the HOT Paprika, perhaps it would have been fine with a little less.... it was still wonderful...  But this is my favorite brand, I will not use another, and I HAVE tried so many others...   Perhaps there is some amazing brand that I haven't YET tried, but so far, THIS is it for me :)
HERE is my Cumin.. I am not exactly as SOLD on this brand as I am on my Paprika.. so if you have some fabulous suggestion, pour it in the comment section!  I like it fine, but, I don't feel emotional about it at all.. It doesn't clump bad, and tastes nice ... 
Here is my mayo.. it is lower in sugar, and frankly, THIS is the one made with CANOLA and NOT SOY... I have a really hard time with finding ANY mayo that is NOT SOY SOY SOY... just look at the Lables my friends... YOU will be suprised... Even at Trader Joes, my friendly Favorite Grocer, I can NOT find a single mayo that fits our families NEED to be as SOY free as possible...
so this is the MAYO for me :)  also, IF I remember correctly, Spectrum is GMO free food..
NOT that everything on my list is..
I have NO idea if ZIYAD is..
But it sure is one of the TASTiest  Tahini's I have YET had!
Have you had THIS yet?  YUM!

Here is my Sea Salt! :)  I like this particular one From Costco, because it has a grinder attatched... lame reason I KNOW!  but.. it grinds nice, and travels easy and is affordable... I do use other salts, but not today!

I had had great plans with these lemons I had purchase... but... alas they were MOLDY when I got them out. So glad I had my handy dandy Volcano Organic Lemon Juice!!!!!! :) always ready ALL the time, for those LEMON emergencies! :)  Also a great Costco purchase :)

 A lovely head of Cabbage, I only used 1/2  but ... perhaps I will make this recipe again tomorrow, the not as spicy version.... or maybe some other exotic food.... :)  hmmmmm hungry girl here!

red onions... I am NOT allowed to eat the other kind... which is fine with me, because these actually SIT with me better.. I DO NOT know why, but they DO :)

Cilantro... Lovely Cilantro... Smells of wonderful things, and PULLS out toxins & metals from your system! Who knew such a delicate little green herb could be such a mighty force to be dealt with in our bodies!

Parsley... once thought to be a boring herb, it really is exciting.. in bulk!  I use this like it is going OUT of style!  I only like to use flat leaf parsley and I buy 4-6 bunches at a time at my local grocer, I can NOT get organic so I do the veggie wash.. But in the summer you should see all my flower pots...
 Parsley parsley everywhere!!!!!!!!!!

here is the Princess, my darling Soux Chef (aka assistant) helping me by chopping in the herbs in the kitchen..

adding the herbs to the finely chopped cabbage & onions :)  pretty pretty!!!!

Tadah!  Isn't it pretty... That red thing is my spatula :)
Isn't it pretty?

So.. HOW did I do that?
chopping onions teeeeney tiny, and cabbage as small as I could with my fancy chef knife... Perhaps some of you are super cool with something like... a machine that does that... I AM not that cool...
then THE PRINCESS chops the herbs in the bowl chopper thingy
and I mix the red cabbage & red onion
with the mayo & drizzle of olive oil & tahini & lemon juice
and stir and stir and stir...
adding a smidge more of this or that...
till it looks just right...
(so annnoying to you..right... which means YOU have to come back and read again the PERFECT recipe)
(you know when I get it PERFECT with EXACT measurements)
you do think that
COULD happen
stir stir stir..
adding cumin
sea salt
and paprika
WATCH the paprika
IT is what makes things hot..
you might be tempted to use NORMAL paprika
but ...
that is NOT adventurous AT all...
that is for BORING people
and won't taste right...
so try it,... just add a little
and stir stir stir...
and have a taste...
then if it needs more add a LITTLE
stir stir stir....
lastly add your herbs
and stir stir stir...
how does it taste?
need more lemon?
or more cumin?
what do YOU think?
those three spices are ALL that is needed
because LEMON
and the TAHINE
really blow the normal OFF the roof of any mayo!!!!
most people I know who HATE mayo
LOVE this recipe
so Bon Appetite!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

food depression...

is there such a thing?
may I have just COINED a new phenomenon?

yet there it is.
plain as day...

I am missing my foods...
and recently thrown into this NEW culinary world,
still struggling with energy levels,
and brain fog...

I want to confess to you dear reader..
even if there is NO one reading ...
that I am feeling blue..
I don't WANT to learn something new today...
perhaps tomorrow..
I am weary..
today I wish I could order take out!

Today muddling through traffic to find myself at a whole foods
with three kids
did NOT sound like a good idea
so ...
we didn't do it..

Today the kids are eating
VERY bad for them Ravioli..
the Sexy Man I am married to
is far far away on a buisness trip...
and it's easy...

and as for me....
Taco Salad...

it's NOT exciting...
at all....
it IS digestable...

It is
Newmans medium Salsa
Ground Beef (organic, browned & seasoned w/taco seasoning)
Iceberg lettuce (yes I KNOW it's not worthless, but have you SEEN how nasty lettuce is right now?)
Romaine lettuce (see it's balanced here I needed the other for the CRUNH ! )
RED tomato
green onions (oooooooodles chopped fine)
cilantro chopped fine
black olives (2-3 chopped fine)
Toss salad with everything in it...
boring but tasty... !

I used to add beans & corn & cheese & tortillas...
Now I added Iceberg for at least SOME crunch...
I thought of it... because ALL i wanted was a Taco Bell Taco...
well... yea... I know.. but I thought about it..
and I can have everything BUT the cheese and the tortilla and the sour cream...
so I made it and put it in a bowl...
it's not bad...
but it's not...

suggestions welcomed..
prayers desired :)
I know...
I know...
THIS too shall pass..
and the twenty pounds I've lost in the past 2 weeks isn't chump change right?


i really love gluten...
I love French bread..
I adore a good hearty German Rye...
I love English water crackers...
I love love love gluten...

but wonder...
if this love is mutal...
I am beginning to think
gluten doesn't love me...

perhaps this no bread diet
anti everything diet
is good...
when you love something
the way you can when you are...
let's say... a TEEN
it's good
to go on Holiday
and then come back and see.
if you feel the same way..

in the end....
I wonder if these "affections"
are really mutual
after all...............

while day dreaming of crepes
and missing the Crepe Man of Lyon....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

BPA Free lined Cans.... Eden foods!

So I was snooping around my very wonderful world of Organics when I stumbled across THIS article...
It made me think YOU might be interested... so  HERE  it is... CHECK it out... and let me know.. whatcha think !
I sure wish ALL cans were as HIGH quality as EDEN Foods...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

grocery store...

I used to love the grocery store..
My grocer plays romantic big band tunes...
so you can walk through the isles singing Sinatra...

But now all I find my self doing...
Is singing LOVE songs to Chavre Cheese
Farmers Cheese
Sharp Cheddar
and various Yogurts...

Yes Kefir got a whole chorus...
and my eyes welled up by the deli counter,
I had to leave the family to order the sausages
with out me...
the deli guy looked hurt..
We always had such a nice relationship before...

The cracker Isle broke me up,
and then..
I got hopeful
and rushed over to the "flour isle" and looked
ALMOND flour..
after quite the search I found a puny little bag..
so tiny..
it MIGHT have made 1 cup...
and I was near bursting into tears when I saw the price..
I stumbled back..
almost knocking into someone...
rush forward...
could it be?
there it was..
I grabbed the cute little girl that IS my daughter...
and we rushed to the nut isle...
looking for blanched almonds...
a tiny handful...
(ok my husbands BIG hand)
was $5
two containers MIGHT have made
1/2 a cup...

SERIOUSLY  !!!!!!!!!!!
I hope I win Elana's BIG Giveaway!
and now I know...
I'll be having to order my almond flour ONline...

so today..
the grocery store was NOT
the culinary delight it usually is..
it was sad and depressing.
I am in love
in love
with really good food...
with excellent cheeses...
superbly fresh organic produce
(much of which is not on my list yet)
wonderful imported delicatessens
I love the way food tastes
the way the flavors burst in my mouth
the aroma of a dish
the art of cooking
and of preparing
and of displaying
I love texture and color...
to me..
FOOD is another Medium for with which I might create
and I feel
melons and greens were bought..
so ...
hopefully today
a green smoothie
will be made!

that might cheer me up...

Friday, January 8, 2010

major REVELATION!!!!

LIGHT BULB!!!!!!!!
ever feel very very blond?
well, I am not blond..
but I just had a very blond moment...
how would I KNOW what one was?
I WAS blond as a kid...
I remember the feeling... the "aura"

WAY off subject


with the fancy dry BLADE!!!
oooo la la!

I can MAKE almond flour too!!!!!
I just need blanched almonds...
hmm now to find ... blanched almonds...
any thoughts?

The Vita Mix...

So I mentioned that My darling and much beloved
was a bit under the weather...

did that concern you?
most people who have ever heard of the
Vita Mix
think it WILL never stumble or get a little...
let's just say...
 under the weather..

But here's the deal with Vita Mix..
THEY plain old fashion

A machine is a machine..
made by man utlimately
it may have hiccups now and again..
it MAY need a little TLC
and that is why VITA MIX has what is known
as a WARRANTY!!!!!!
and they stick BY IT!

We called them up
after owning this machine some 3 years..
and they said to box it up and send it in..
and they fixed it,
and gave us a new container to boot!
I think they were concerned the thingy wasn't spinning right...
and it was upsetting the motor..
but they fixed the motor too!

So... there you have it..
NO other blender company I EVER worked with did that..
and can I just be honest with you..
NONE of them lasted 3 years...
I KILL blenders..
I do..
I blend...
I LOVE smoothies..
and now that I am learning about GREEN for life
and the RAW FAMILY...
I think...
my life...
may NEVER be the same..
and JUST in time ;)

My Vita Mix was returned in PRISTINE condition :)
Vita Mix 5000 :)
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

I think I want to be one of those sales people ...
I really really do..
I LOVE Vita Mix..
and LOVE when they come to my local Costco...
I know the people who sell! ...
I think it's the BEST!
I've helped them sell why drinking their smoothies
right there at my local Costco...
I've even convinced neighbor's and friends to buy them...
really perhaps I OUGHT to get commission... hmm
I didn't want ANYONE up all night worried about
my poor Vita MIX
it has been to Vita Mix "spa"
and has been returned  to me quite happy
and is back at home on my counter :)
with me..
and all my leafy greens...

;)  all is well in the Big Blue House! 
just IN case you were worried !

RAW family! check this out!

So we've had our Vita Mix a LONG time now....
But THIS information is FABULOUS!!!!!!  I never knew this!  and frankly
it all makes SENSE.... It adds up with everything else I have been learning..
I am so excited about this information!  I hope you are too!
I think I will be changing the way I use my Vita Mix...
and ordering THIS book ASAP :)  what about YOU?

Why isn't she sharing MORE recipes ???

Ah my beloved readers...
I am back from my little mini break...
We have been on a bit of a break
for medical reasons...

France was simply GRAND for our health...
all that FRESH produce each and every day..
all that walking
The wonderful markets...

Coming BACK to suburbia
in America HIT us like a ton of bricks
and my health began to decline rapidly...
I am a believer that we must put IN good nutritious foods
to get good results...
the old addage
garbage IN garbage out..
but sometimes..
PERHAPS you have been there..
families hit a crisis point..
and you just go INTO survival...
and anything IN seems better than nothing..
and you are flying (or rather we were)
from appointment to appointment
from putting out one fire to another...
and suddenly american fast food entered...
and our health grew for bad...
to worse....

All along we were trying to use our
beloved VITA MIX...
but something was amiss with it..
it wasn't functioning to its full and proper capasity..
and even though the offer the MOST amazing warranty...
we kept putting off calling them..
to take care of it...
how could we let go of our ONE health help
for even a few days...
what if it took LONGER???

and so...
after much prayer..
we went to YET another doctor..
and I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease...
I won't make this site ALL about my disease ...
I promise...
THIS IS my site about food...
food, beloved, food...
ways to eat it, enjoy it,
new ways to explore it..
and things we are trying ! ;)
But I must share with you,
my beloved readers...
from ALL over the world that this disease
requires serious changes in ones lifestyle...
and so I have been researching...

I plan on bringing YOU
New sites
New exciting recipes
things REALLY out of the box...
that will be utterly focused on WHERE
OUR family is at...

and where IS our family...
at a culinary cross roads my friends...

A whole NEW world is opening up to me..
and I want to share it with you..
My diet is VERY strict..
often when things seem to narrow,
when our palate of colors seems to be smaller...
is often when we are forced to be the MOST creative...

so I hope you join me
on this WILD
quite possibly RAW
and even ? GLUTEN FREE??
who knows WHERE this will go...
but with a BLOG as DELICIOUS as this one..
as PASSIONATE about flavor as this one
you have to know...
it will taste gooood
and be good for you...

so ...
are you in???

almond flour...

could it be? 
Elana's Pantry may be the answer to my prayers!
ooo la la!!!!!!
so excited about this POSSIBILITY!!!!!!!!
culinary creativity MIXED with my humble health crisis
the elegant ALMOND
strip it of its dark exterior
grind it into a powder
and you've got FLOUR!!
enter ELANA's Pantry!
and YOU too can learn HOW to cook
with this HEALTHY alternative to
the more bland
and traditional
gluten-e flours..
that are from grains..
the ones that I
am NOT allowed to eat from for right now..
so... check OUT this EXCITING LINK
because Elana's got a NEW cookbook giveaway..
who knows...
I might be the winner..
and cook things and share HERE my wonderful trials!!!
or YOU might be the winner
and be forever THANKFUL to me for telling YOU about